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  • Writer's pictureHarriet Lane

You have options

John 4:43-44, 54 KJV

43 Now after two days he departed thence, and went into Galilee.

44 For Jesus himself testified, that a prophet hath no honour in his own country.

54 This is again the second miracle that Jesus did, when he was come out of Judaea into Galilee.

We live in a world where people have freedom of choice. We also live in a world where there are variety and options. Yet, we forget about these three things when we deal with them on a personal level.

When I decide to get my nails done, there are several nail salons I can choose from because I have options. If I choose to go to It’s My Prerogative nail salon this week, and in two weeks, I decided to go to a different nail salon, that is okay. Because I have freedom of choice and I am not required or obligated to go to It’s My Prerogative nail salon.

When I choose to go to another nail salon, in most cases, it is because I have that option, or it may be because of personal preference or convenience. However, should I make a permanent decision to discontinue my support and patronizing of It’s My Prerogative nail salon that, should not affect their bottom line because, although they may lose one client, over time they may gain several more, and a loss is, no longer viewed as a decrease in profit but rather as an increase.

Many of us have heard the saying when one door closes, God opens another and, I believe this to be true. As it happened to me personally on several occasions, which is why now I do not get bent out of shape when someone tells me, no, or things do not work out how I envisioned them. I understand that what God has for me it is for me.

Some of you are stressed out right now because you are trying to figure out why you keep getting rejected. Whether it's for a job, business or mortgage loan, relationship, business idea, whatever it is, you are allowing it to consume you and doubt your gifts, skills, and talents. You may have even done a self-comparison trying to figure out what you have or do not have to help you understand their decision.

I remember when I was laid-off in 2017. I never once questioned or tried to analyze their decision. I felt content and at peace. I was laid-off in October, and immediately I transitioned into Entrepreneurship full-time. This year made three years that I have successfully owned and operated H.L. Auditing & Consulting Services, and thanks be to God, the business has been consistent and, every year gets better and better.

My brother and my sister, I want you to know that you have options. Maybe you need to start plowing in another field. Your time may be up, and you need to go where you will be accepted and appreciated. Sometimes we think because we have invested time, money, and resources, that if we leave, it was a waste, but that is not necessarily true. After all, it may have prepared you for the next level that God has for you.

Jesus was also rejected and not received among his people. Instead of forcing his beliefs on them, He left Judea and took his ministry elsewhere. The Bible tells us that once Jesus left Judea into Galilee that two miracles were performed (John 4:54). Jesus knew the work, He was called to do, and if one group of people was unreceptive and in denial of who he was, He was determined not to allow them to stop him from being a blessing to those faithfully waiting and anticipating a miracle.

I ask that you please do not miss the message in what you are currently experiencing. Do not focus on the rejection, instead accept and respect that person's freedom of choice. Now it is time for you to focus on you and where God is taking you to next.

My brother and my sister, I say it once more, You Have Options. If the door has closed, it does not mean that you no longer possess the gifts, talents, skills, education, and wisdom. God is merely saying your season is up and He has something or somewhere else for you.

So get excited because when God blesses us, He does so exceedingly and abundantly (Ephesians 3:20).

Be Blessed!

Author Harriet Lane

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